Uncovering hidden global investment opportunities.

Explore our portfolio & performance

Quality global small and mid-cap equities.

At Tura Capital, we invest in quality global companies with untapped potential, poised to grow over the long-term.

Our managed fund is designed to
outperform the MSCI World SMID Cap Index
provide a concentrated exposure to quality global companies

Why Tura Capital


Experienced investment team

45+ years of combined investment experience


Efficient process with a focus on quality companies at a reasonable price


Monthly disclosure of portfolio holdings

Institutional quality support

Supported by the significant resources of DNR Capital
We believe long-term value is generated by identifying quality companies which can compound returns… and buying them at reasonable valuations.
Explore our portfolio & performance
Sustainable Quality
De-rated Quality
Improving Quality
Our managed fund
A high conviction Global SMID Portfolio

Tura Capital Global Small & Mid Cap Fund

Our objective is to outperform the MSCI World SMID Cap Index net of fees (unhedged) over a rolling three-year period. We aim to deliver this outcome by uncovering hidden gems globally, which generate high returns on invested capital.